Monday, October 6, 2008

5ft 10 in, size 12 but Too Fat?!

The face of Wonderbra has resigned after being told she is too fat. Katie Green, 20 was discovered by The Daily Express but she says that she was pressured into losing weight and ordered to take a gruelling exercise programme. This is despite the fact that she was chosen to star in Wonderbra's "real women" advertising campaign.

Premier Model Management told Katie that she must lose two stone. Katie is 5ft 10 inches tall, weighs 10st 5Ibs and is a size 10. This gives her a BMI of 20.5 which is idea. A loss of two stone would bring her BMI down to 16.5 which is underweight.

She says "I was told, most of our girls are size 8. We need you to tone up. I couldnt beleive it. I said "my curves got me the Wonderbra job but now you're saying Im too fat." They told me to stop eating carbohydrates after 4pm and train in the gym everyday. But Im 5ft 10in and I would have been a bag of bones if I had gone down to a size 10."

More info at

What a load of crap! It sends out such a dangerous message to young girls out there. In no way is she fat. Asking someone of that height to get down to such low BMI is just stupid and dangerous.

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