Monday, December 1, 2008

Leave Britney Alone

Why are people so nasty about Britney Spears? So she mimed on X Factor? Big deal. If she had sung live and not been pitch perfect she would have got moaned at for that as well. There have been plenty times when she has mimed at award shows etc.

Been reading some comments on The Sun website, people saying things like "Go home, we dont wnat you here," Lovely eh? and dont speak for everyone please. I actuall enjoyed it and still like her. The most annoying comment was the one saying she has a fat arse. To me that is just total pettiness. For one, she doesnt and if you think she does then you ned help and ned to be shown exactly what a fat arse is. Its a dangerous thing to say because, ok, she might not see it but young girls who are her size or bigger may do and then get paranoid about their body shape.